Finding yourself

What are you meant to do after a breakup? Who are you without the person you were planning on spending the rest of your life with?

Well, that’s what I’m currently trying to work out. But how do you move on after a breakup?

A break up is such a strange thing. Epically when your the one who has been broken up with. It just comes out of nowhere and makes you question everything. Was everything a lie? Was I not good enough? Are they seeing someone else? Was I just not the one for them? So many questions, yet very few answers. It’s over so what’s the point in second-guessing everything. It is what it is. But what now…

How do you move on?

What are you meant to do: Pretend it never happened? Think the worse of them? Drink, smoke, forget? Well to me none of those seems like a healthy option. Our relationship did happen and now I’m hurt, that’s the facts. But what will make me feel better?

I’ve tried retail therapy, spending all of my money but in every shop, I just saw something he would like and wanted to tell him so in the long run it just made me feel worse. When you’re used to talking to someone it’s hard to not message them anymore. I automatically go on my phone and onto our conversation to message him, but find myself just look at our last messages. So it’s safe to say retail therapy hasn’t worked for me.

Seeing friends? That’s the best thing right, but it’s hard because you try to pretend your okay but then just end up feeling like your being a fake. Talking about it doesn’t help because to be honest there’s nothing to talk about. It’s just life. We get hurt and we get knocked down but we have to keep moving. I’m just not sure how to do that anymore. I just don’t know what I want anymore I guess.

Some say ‘Fake it, till you make it‘ but personally I hate this expression. Faking being okay and happy doesn’t help anything. Especially through something like this. I want to be honest about how I feel, I want to be allowed to be sad, feel shit, and cry.

So I’m sat here writing this on my phone surround by people going around there own lives. Thinking how do you move on and carry on? What makes it better?

If anyone has any insight they would like to share then please leave a comment below.

However, for now, I’m guessing the answer is time…but we will see.

Adele’s word